5 hidden gem museums in Paris

Paris je t'aime

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If you thought you knew all about Paris museums, you got it wrong!
The international capital of art and culture has many hidden gems for you to explore: whether you like fashion, innovative digital exhibitions, science, sculpture or architecture, there is something for every taste - starting with these 5 amazing suggestions!

1) The Yves Saint Laurent Museum, dedicated to one of the most iconic couturiers of the 20th century, presents some of its most stunning dresses, accessories, costume sketches, photos and videos in a beautiful Second Empire mansion.
2) The Atelier des Lumières hosts monumental immersive exhibitions of famous paintings projected on the walls of this former foundry.
3) The Bourdelle Museum, the former home of Antoine Bourdelle, the colleague of Rodin and the master of Giacometti, exposes in its gardens and workshops more than five hundred statues of plaster, marble and bronze.
4) The Cité des Sciences et de l'industrie, where children and adults can explore the countless secrets of science whilst playing.
5) The Cité de l'Architecture et du Patrimoine, a reference in the art of building which exhibits almost 1 000 years of architectural history from the Romanesque period to the present day.

More info ➡ https://en.parisinfo.com/discovering-paris/themed-guides/Paris-a-fabulous-heritage/paris-museums/unusual-museums-paris

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